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Pioneros de la Fe  
Author: Lester Sumrall
ISBN: 9879038452
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Book Description
Learn some of the great leaders of the twentieth century that live with the Holy Spirit and you can be used by God like they were!

The twentieth century has seen great movement for the spirit since the Pentecost's. Movement after movement from God through all the earth. Now that we have started a new century, it is important that we know as Christians where we are coming from. We need to know about the heroes of faith.

In this book, one of the great leaders of faith, Lester Sumrall, writes about these great experiences and knowledge of man and woman that started this great movement and the churches there are today. Dr. Sumrall is the last one of those linked with our spiritual heritage. It is time to learn from the life examples of those pioneers of faith.

Some of those men and women that you will read are:
* Smith Wigglesworth
* F.F. Bosworth
* Howard Carter
* Lillia Trasher
* Lillian Barbara Yeomans
* James Salter
* Finis Dake

From the Back Cover
Learn some of the great leaders of the twentieth century that live with the Holy Spirit and you can be used by God like they were! The twentieth century has seen great movement for the spirit since the Pentecost's. Movement after movement from God through all the earth. Now that we have started a new century, it is important that we know as Christians where we are coming from. We need to know about the heroes of faith. In this book, one of the great leaders of faith, Lester Sumrall, writes about these great experiences and knowledge of man and woman that started this great movement and the churches there are today. Dr. Sumrall is the last one of those linked with our spiritual heritage. It is time to learn from the life examples of those pioneers of faith. Some of those men and women that you will read are: * Smith Wigglesworth * F.F. Bosworth * Howard Carter * Lillia Trasher * Lillian Barbara Yeomans * James Salter * Finis Dake

Pioneros de la Fe


Learn some of the great leaders of the twentieth century that live with the Holy Spirit and you can be used by God like they were!

The twentieth century has seen great movement for the spirit since the Pentecost's. Movement after movement from God through all the earth. Now that we have started a new century, it is important that we know as Christians where we are coming from. We need to know about the heroes of faith.

In this book, one of the great leaders of faith, Lester Sumrall, writes about these great experiences and knowledge of man and woman that started this great movement and the churches there are today. Dr. Sumrall is the last one of those linked with our spiritual heritage. It is time to learn from the life examples of those pioneers of faith.

Some of those men and women that you will read are: * Smith Wigglesworth* F.F. Bosworth* Howard Carter* Lillia Trasher* Lillian Barbara Yeomans* James Salter* Finis Dake


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