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Using Data to Improve Student Learning in Middle Schools  
Author: Victoria L. Bernhardt
ISBN: 193055687X
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Book Description
With the enactment of "No Child Left Behind," every school and district in the country will need to analyze their data to ensure adequate yearly progress. Sometimes, looking at another’s analyses makes it easier to see things you would not have seen while looking only at your own analyses. When it comes to analyzing student achievement data, the first two questions educators ask are "Now that we have the data, what analyses should we make?" and "What do the analyses tell us?" These questions are hard to answer on the spot, so I have taken up the challenge to develop a series of books with the purposes of showing what analyses can be made, describing what these analyses are telling us, and illustrating how to use these analyses in continuous school improvement planning. This series of books includes: Using Data to Improve Student Learning in Elementary Schools, Using Data to Improve Student Learning in Middle Schools, Using Data to Improve Student Learning in High Schools, and Using Data to Improve Student Learning in School Districts. Most of the time we must look at K-12 data (district level) to ensure a continuum of learning that makes sense for all students. I have purposefully separated building levels so there would be ample space to do a fairly comprehensive job of data analysis at each organizational level and to make the point about needing to understand results beyond one school level. Each of these four publications uses real data (with some slight alterations to blur identities and to fill gaps where data are missing) and shows the actual descriptive analyses I would perform if I were the person analyzing the data at that particular level. You will also see that no matter how much or how little data your school has, the data can tell the story of your school The study questions at the end of each chapter serve as guides for the reader. I have described what I saw in the analyses following the study questions for readers who want the feedback. The goal with this book is for anyone to be able to set up these analyses, regardless of the statistical resources available. Therefore, in addition to showing the analyses in the text, the graphing templates, complete narratives, and supplementary tools appear on the accompanying CD. This book is intended for school and district teachers and administrators who want to use data to continuously improve what they do for children; and for college and university professors who teach school administrators, teachers, and support personnel how to analyze school data. It is my belief that all professional educators must learn how to use data in this time of high-stakes accountability. I also believe that these practical and descriptive analyses are more important for practitioners to learn to perform than inferential statistics.

From the Publisher
This book helps you make sense of the data your school collects, including state student achievement results as well as other qualitative and quantitative data. Easy-to-use templates, tools, and examples are available on the accompanying CD-Rom. High stakes accountability requires that you understand the strengths, challenges, and implications of your school improvement plan. "Using Data to Improve Student Learning in Middle Schools" shows you how to— • Look carefully at your students' current test scores and other qualitative and quantitative data • Compare your results to what you want them to be • Find the gaps and the root causes of the gaps • Plan and implement a school improvement plan based on your school's actual data This book and CD-Rom analyzes data from actual middle schools and provides you with files and templates into which you can enter data from your own school. This is the second title in Victoria L. Bernhardt's new series. Future titles will focus on high schools and districts

From the Author
I am passionate about the impact data analyses make on building strong schools, teachers, administrators, and district, county, regional, state, and national education systems. Data not only tell us where we have been, where we are right now, and where we are going; data inform us of the ways to get there, sensibly. With the enactment of "No Child Left Behind" (NCLB), data analysis is no longer optional! The requirements take us deep into the data to help us identify and uncover powerful solutions to schools' greatest challenges. I believe we have to look more systematically and deeper than we are used to looking to get to analyses that will make the difference. We must also look at other data sources besides our required state assessments. I want this book to contribute to the success of schools and districts throughout the United States and abroad, because… I want schools to prove that they can help ALL children learn and be all they want to be in the future.

About the Author
Victoria L. Bernhardt, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Education for the Future Initiative, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to build the capacity of all schools at all levels to gather, analyze, and use data to continuously improve learning for all students. She is also a Professor, on leave, in the Department of Professional Studies in Education, College of Communication and Education, at California State University, Chico. Dr. Bernhardt is passionate about her mission of helping all educators continuously improve student learning in their classrooms, their schools, their districts, and states by gathering, analyzing, and using actual data—as opposed to using hunches and "gut-level" feelings. She has made numerous presentations at professional meetings and has conducted thousands of workshops on the school portfolio, data analysis, and school improvement at local, state, regional, national, and international levels. Dr. Bernhardt is the author of the following books: • A four-book collection, with CD-Roms, of using data to improve student learning—Using Data to Improve Student Learning in Elementary Schools (2003); Using Data to Improve Student Learning in Middle Schools (2004); Using Data to Improve Student Learning in High Schools (2005); Using Data to Improve Student Learning in Districts (2005) • Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement (First Edition, 1998; Second Edition, 2004) • The School Portfolio Toolkit: A Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation Guide for Continuous School Improvement, and CD-Rom (2002) • The Example School Portfolio (2000) • Designing and Using Databases for School Improvement (2000) • The School Portfolio: A Comprehensive Framework for School Improvement (First Edition, 1994; Second Edition, 1999)

Using Data to Improve Student Learning in Middle Schools


This book helps you make sense of the data your school collects, including state student achievement results as well as other qualitative and quantitative data. Easy-to-use templates, tools, and examples are available on the accompanying CD-Rom.

High stakes accountability requires that you understand the strengths, challenges, and implications of your school improvement plan. "Using Data to Improve Student Learning in Middle Schools" shows you how to- ￯﾿ᄑ Look carefully at your students' current test scores and other qualitative and quantitative data ￯﾿ᄑ Compare your results to what you want them to be ￯﾿ᄑ Find the gaps and the root causes of the gaps ￯﾿ᄑ Plan and implement a school improvement plan based on your school's actual data

This book and CD-Rom analyzes data from actual middle schools and provides you with files and templates into which you can enter data from your own school. This is the second title in Victoria L. Bernhardt's new series. Future titles will focus on high schools and districts.

With the enactment of "No Child Left Behind," every school and district in the country will need to analyze their data to ensure adequate yearly progress. Sometimes, looking at another's analyses makes it easier to see things you would not have seen while looking only at your own analyses. When it comes to analyzing student achievement data, the first two questions educators ask are "Now that we have the data, what analyses should we make?" and "What do the analyses tell us?"

These questions are hard to answer on the spot, so I have taken up the challenge to develop a series of books with the purposes of showing what analyses can be made, describing what these analyses are telling us, and illustrating how to use these analyses in continuous school improvement planning. This series of books includes: Using Data to Improve Student Learning in Elementary Schools, Using Data to Improve Student Learning in Middle Schools, Using Data to Improve Student Learning in High Schools, and Using Data to Improve Student Learning in School Districts.

Most of the time we must look at K-12 data (district level) to ensure a continuum of learning that makes sense for all students. I have purposefully separated building levels so there would be ample space to do a fairly comprehensive job of data analysis at each organizational level and to make the point about needing to understand results beyond one school level.

Each of these four publications uses real data (with some slight alterations to blur identities and to fill gaps where data are missing) and shows the actual descriptive analyses I would perform if I were the person analyzing the data at that particular level. You will also see that no matter how much or how little data your school has, the data can tell the story of your school The study questions at the end of each chapter serve as guides for the reader. I have described what I saw in the analyses following the study questions for readers who want the feedback.

The goal with this book is for anyone to be able to set up these analyses, regardless of the statistical resources available. Therefore, in addition to showing the analyses in the text, the graphing templates, complete narratives, and supplementary tools appear on the accompanying CD.

This book is intended for school and district teachers and administrators who want to use data to continuously improve what they do for children; and for college and university professors who teach school administrators, teachers, and support personnel how to analyze school data. It is my belief that all professional educators must learn how to use data in this time of high-stakes accountability. I also believe that these practical and descriptive analyses are more important for practitioners to learn to perform than inferential statistics.


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