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Pearling in the Arabian Gulf: A Kuwaiti Memoir  
Author: Sayf Marzuq Shamlan, et al
ISBN: 1900404192
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Language Notes
Text: English (translation)
Original Language: Arabic

Pearling in the Arabian Gulf: A Kuwaiti Memoir


"Pearling in the Arabian Gulf - A Kuwaiti Memoir is an edited translation of the two-volume work by Saif Marzooq al-Shamlan that was published in the 1970s. It gathers together a vast amount of detailed information about the history of pearling in the Gulf that is nowhere else available in English. Based on documentary and oral evidence and on the author's memories and private archives, it describes the last generation of the pearling industry from 1900 to the slump of the 1930s, when the development of the Japanese cultured pearl led to economic disaster for the people of the Gulf." "It records the grim conditions of the divers, their food, their work and the tools of their trade, their illnesses and the hazards of life at sea. There are stories of individual divers, shipmasters and pearl merchants, stories of hardship, courage and adventure. The author puts pearling into the broader context, recounting how Kuwaiti fishermen operated in the Gulf at large and in Sri Lanka, and how merchants travelled as far afield as Bombay and Paris. The book is illustrated with photographs and a map, and includes a glossary of Gulf maritime terms."--BOOK JACKET.



Not a memoir at all, but a history of the pearling industry in the country from earliest times to the present. Al-Shamlan, born (1926) into a family of Kuwaiti pearl merchants and seafarers, has written histories of countries in the region, and worked for the Ministry of Information. The two-volume Arabic original, was published by the Kuwait Government Press in 1975 and 1978. Translator Peter Clark has cut the length to about a third, mostly by omitting traditional poetry; he has written about the Middle East and translated from Arabic widely. Distributed in the US by ISBS. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)


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