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Beyond Iraq: The Next Move  
Author: Mike Evans
ISBN: 1593790104
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

From Publishers Weekly
With the Bible's various prophecies of the downfall of Babylon, one would think Christian eschatologists would have a field day with the war in Iraq. But apart from a few perfunctory prophetic exegeses-Jeremiah's "arrows of expert warriors" are laser-guided bombs, the "plunderers of the North" are looters at Iraq's National Museum, Isaiah's "chariot of men with horses" is an Abrams tank-this poorly organized, fundamentalist screed touts the Bible less as a crystal ball than as a rationale for a Wolfowitzian grand strategy against the Muslim world. On the temporal plane, Evans argues that the U. S. should use its control of Iraqi oil to break OPEC, and employ Iraq as a base ("only a short reach from the throat of Syria and Iran") for the war on terrorism. On the spiritual plane, because Islam is "a religion conceived in the pit of hell" and terrorism is orchestrated by demons, he advocates the use of Christian prayers summoning angelic intervention to root out the evils of terror and Islamic fanaticism. Evans, founder of the Jerusalem Prayer Team ministry and author of Why Christians Should Support Israel, is especially concerned with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. He opposes Bush's "road map" initiative and insists that God apportioned the West Bank and Gaza to the Jews of the land of Israel, whose modern consolidation is a prerequisite for the Second Coming. Evans's one-sided account of Middle East conflicts, based on fancifully symbolic readings of obscure Bible passages, concedes virtually no legitimate grievances or non-demonically inspired motivations to Muslims and Palestinians. His book is a disturbing addition to the debate on these critical areas of U. S. foreign policy. Photos. Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Beyond Iraq: The Next Move


This war had a much deeper significance than originally reported!

Award winning journalist and Middle East specialist for more than 20 years, Dr. Mike Evans, has been a confidant to every prime minister in Israel over the last decade-and-a-half. His articles have been published in more than 150 countries, including The Wall Street Journal, Time magazine, and The Jerusalem Post. This expertise gives Dr. Evans an insider's perspective to the liberation of Iraq.

In this book, Dr. Evans clearly defines the roles that America, Iraq and Israel play in the fulfillment of end times prophecy. Breaking through the cluttered, and often confusing, information overload on this topic, Dr. Evans presents the Scriptures and current events side-by-side. As he does this, he makes a compelling and convincing argument to justify his vigorous call for Christians to wake up and pray.

About the Author:

Dr. Michael David Evans is the author of 17 bestselling books on the Middle East. He is the founder of the Jerusalem Prayer Team, a national intercessory prayer movement to mobilize one million intercessors to pray for revival in the Middle East according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. He is also the founder of Evangelical Israel Broadcasting Network. Dr. Evans is Chairman of the Board of the Corrie ten Boom House in Haarlem, Holland. For over 34 years Dr. Evans has been building a bridge between the evangelical community in the United States and the nation of Israel. As a result, he is widely respected for his tireless efforts, and has been awarded the Ambassador Award for over 25 years of service to Israel.


Publishers Weekly

With the Bible's various prophecies of the downfall of Babylon, one would think Christian eschatologists would have a field day with the war in Iraq. But apart from a few perfunctory prophetic exegeses-Jeremiah's "arrows of expert warriors" are laser-guided bombs, the "plunderers of the North" are looters at Iraq's National Museum, Isaiah's "chariot of men with horses" is an Abrams tank-this poorly organized, fundamentalist screed touts the Bible less as a crystal ball than as a rationale for a Wolfowitzian grand strategy against the Muslim world. On the temporal plane, Evans argues that the U. S. should use its control of Iraqi oil to break OPEC, and employ Iraq as a base ("only a short reach from the throat of Syria and Iran") for the war on terrorism. On the spiritual plane, because Islam is "a religion conceived in the pit of hell" and terrorism is orchestrated by demons, he advocates the use of Christian prayers summoning angelic intervention to root out the evils of terror and Islamic fanaticism. Evans, founder of the Jerusalem Prayer Team ministry and author of Why Christians Should Support Israel, is especially concerned with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. He opposes Bush's "road map" initiative and insists that God apportioned the West Bank and Gaza to the Jews of the land of Israel, whose modern consolidation is a prerequisite for the Second Coming. Evans's one-sided account of Middle East conflicts, based on fancifully symbolic readings of obscure Bible passages, concedes virtually no legitimate grievances or non-demonically inspired motivations to Muslims and Palestinians. His book is a disturbing addition to the debate on these critical areas of U. S. foreign policy. Photos. (June) Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.


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