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Cooked Goose (A Savannah Reid Mystery)  
Author: G. A. McKevett
ISBN: 1587245892
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Savannah Reid is a large woman--with appetites, emotions, and attitudes to match. She loves to cook, eat, fight, and catch criminals. In G.A. McKevett's fourth book about her, Reid is working as a private investigator after being fired from the police force in the fictional California seaside town of San Carmelita. She's hired by a shopping mall to catch the "Santa Rapist," a man wearing a fake white beard who has attacked several women in the mall's parking lot. The first suspect who she disables with a hard kick to the Christmas ornaments turns out to be a legitimate store Santa helping out one of Reid's associates. The investigation goes downhill from there.

Margie Bloss, the teenaged daughter of the obnoxious police chief who fired Reid, is a student in a self-defense class that Savannah teaches. When Margie is herself attacked and some of the town's cops begin to die, the focus of Reid's investigation switches to someone involved in law enforcement. The solution is no big surprise, but Reid herself is a colorful enough character to carry us along--especially when she adds tasty recipes to her bag of tricks. Other Reid stories in paperback include Just Desserts and Killer Calories. --Dick Adler

From Publishers Weekly
It's hard not to like Savannah Reid, a large woman with appetites, emotions and attitudes to match. The pseudonymous McKevett's fourth book about Savannah (after Killer Calories) raises some serious issues about the crime of rape and its victims?but the mix of this theme with Savannah's winsome character and the recipes included at the back of the book is uneasy. Savannah, working as a PI after being fired from the police force in the fictional California seaside town of San Carmelita, is hired by a shopping mall to catch the "Santa Rapist," a man wearing a fake white beard who has attacked six women in the mall's parking lot. The first man she disables with a hard kick to the ornaments turns out to be a legitimate store Santa, and the investigation goes downhill from there. Margie Bloss, the teenaged daughter of the odious police chief who fired Savannah, is a student in a self-defense class that Savannah teaches; when Margie is herself attacked and some of the town's cops begin to die, the identity of the rapist/killer becomes so obvious that readers may lose interest in a hurry. McKevitt has done better before and, hopefully, will again. Author tour. Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Cooked Goose (A Savannah Reid Mystery)


A sexy, Southern-born private detective Savannah Reid is back, keeping the streets of exclusive San Carmelita, California, safe while indulging both her passion for food and her appetite for solving crime.


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