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Microsoft Excel 97 Exam Cram  
Author: Trudi Reisner
ISBN: 1576102211
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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Book Description
Microsoft Excel is the business spreadsheet of choice and this is the book of choice to prepare the certification candidate to pass the timed, task-based test. Certification Insider Press's Microsoft Excel 97 Exam Cram is written by an Excel expert to help readers of varied experience levels gain the knowledge necessary to pass both the proficient- and expert-level Microsoft Excel 97 exams. An interactive approach that provides a complete review of the application, test-taking strategies, tips, and hints.

About the Author
Trudi Reisner (Boston, MA) is the author of several books, including Easy Microsoft Office 97, Easy Excel 5 for Windows, 10 Minute Guide to Excel for Windows, WordPerfect 6 Solutions, and the ABC's of Q&A. She has also been a contributing author for Microsoft Office 97 SuperGuide.

Microsoft Excel 97 with 3.5 Disk


Microsoft Excel is the business spreadsheet of choice and this is the book of choice to prepare the certification candidate to pass the timed, task-based test. Certification Insider Press's Microsoft Excel 97 Exam Cram is written by an Excel expert to help readers of varied experience levels gain the knowledge necessary to pass both the proficient- and expert-level Microsoft Excel 97 exams. An interactive approach that provides a complete review of the application, test-taking strategies, tips, and hints. Covers both the Proficient and Expert level exams, allowing the reader to make an informed decision as to which exam to sit and pay for. Features practice tasks and a practice exam that prepare the reader for a timed, performance-based exam. Focuses 100% on what the reader needs to pass the Microsoft Excel 97 exam: test-taking strategies, tips on how to handle particular tasks on the exam, and hints to help ensure success. Makes a great supplement to any study guide, but especially to Microsoft Excel 97 Exam Prep. Presents all major Excel features in concise, step-by-step form.

Diskette contains practice files for end-of-chapter practice questions, tasks, and practice exam that will save the exam candidate hours of valuable study time—no need to create them. The exam tests proficiency, and the hands-on practice featured in the companion diskette helps the exam candidate become proficient.


Microsoft Excel certification candidates and users.


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