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Social Skills Training for Schizophrenia: A Step-by-Step Guide  
Author: Alan S. Bellack
ISBN: 157230846X
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

From Book News, Inc.
The revised edition keeps its basic emphasis on hands-on tools for new and experienced clinicians but adds elements including an overview of empirical support for social skills training and a chapter on skills training for clients who also have substance abuse problems. A chapter on assessment has been substantially revised; other chapters have been combined and updated. The first section walks therapists and counselors through the process of assessing their clients' existing skills, teaching new skills, and managing common treatment challenges. The second part is given over to about 60 skill sheets and checklists that can be photocopied.Copyright © 2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Midwest Book Review
Designed to facilitate group work in a range settings, Social Skills Training For Schizophrenia presents an empirically tested format and ready-made curricula for teaching essential social skills to schizophrenia clients. Part 1 provides a detailed overview of social skills training principles and methods. Chapters take readers step-by-step through assessing existing skills, introducing new skills, maintaining and consolidating gains, managing common problems with highly symptomatic, highly functioning, and other clients, and tailoring techniques to meet clients' individual needs. Part 2 comprises 48 clearly written and up-to-date skill sheets. Each skills sheet (a complete lesson plan in itself) explains the rationale for the specific skill at hand, breaks the skill down into three or four smaller steps, suggests role-play scenarios, and alerts clinicians to special considerations. Appendices include concise guidelines for orienting group leaders and members and conducting group sessions effectively, as well as sample assessment forms and other useful materials. Social Skills Training For Schizophrenia is an essential addition to all reference libraries for counselors and therapists working with schizophrenic clients and patients.

"This book is an essential tool for psychiatric rehabilitation. As with the previous edition, these eminent and highly regarded authors present a step-by-step guide to developing extremely successful social skills training programs. The second edition addresses the significant problem of substance abuse by providing carefully planned, customized group procedures and clever handouts specifically designed to address social skills deficits in the dual diagnosis population. Another highlight of this edition is its comprehensive review of the many clinical trials that have established social skills training as a decidedly effective, evidence-based practice for improving a wide range of community outcomes for those with schizophrenia."--Dawn I. Velligan, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

"The second edition of this highly successful book is a very useful guide for all mental health professionals who work with persons with chronic schizophrenia. After stabilizing the acute episode with antipsychotic medications, the rehabilitation begins, and this book enables practitioners to optimize clients' functional outcomes. The new chapters about social skills training as an evidence-based practice and about working with clients who abuse drugs and alcohol are particularly relevant and useful. As a clinical supervisor of psychiatric trainees, I will strongly urge my supervisees and other members of the mental health treatment team to use this practical, step-by-step guide to facilitate the integration of biological and psychosocial management approaches."--Henry A. Nasrallah, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati Medical Center

"The definitive text on the topic. This second edition will be extraordinarily valuable both for experienced clinicians with a background in social skills training and for those who are interested in expanding their skills by adapting this evidence-based practice. The strength of this volume is that it provides a scholarly discussion of social deficits in schizophrenia together with a highly practical, step-by-step approach for conducting social skills training."--Stephen R. Marder, MD, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles

Michel Hersen, PhD, ABPP, Center for Psychological Studies, NOVA Southeastern University
...should be required reading for any professional, regardless of discipline, who works with individuals with schizophrenia. It is unique, clinically sophisticated, painstakingly data-based, and pragmatic. It is beautifully written, easy to follow and implement, and completely comprehensive. Nothing is left to chance, and all details are in place. It is a socially significant document, since it provides a means to improve the social functioning of schizophrenia clients in order to diminish the need for hospitalization. Indeed, the document is a message of hope. Given the two senior authors' long experience working with this most difficult-to-treat population, it is most apparent to this reader that they have been able to impart their hard-earned clinical secrets to the readership with consummate ease. I rarely have read a clearer or better text. My prediction is that this will become a classic in the field. As Johannes Brahms once said to Johann Strauss about one of his waltzes, 'I wish I had written it.'

"This book is an essential tool for psychiatric rehabilitation. As with the previous edition, these eminent and highly regarded authors present a step-by-step guide to developing extremely successful social skills training programs. The second edition addresses the significant problem of substance abuse by providing carefully planned, customized group procedures and clever handouts specifically designed to address social skills deficits in the dual diagnosis population. Another highlight of this edition is its comprehensive review of the many clinical trials that have established social skills training as a decidedly effective, evidence-based practice for improving a wide range of community outcomes for those with schizophrenia."--Dawn I. Velligan, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

"The second edition of this highly successful book is a very useful guide for all mental health professionals who work with persons with chronic schizophrenia. After stabilizing the acute episode with antipsychotic medications, the rehabilitation begins, and this book enables practitioners to optimize clients' functional outcomes. The new chapters about social skills training as an evidence-based practice and about working with clients who abuse drugs and alcohol are particularly relevant and useful. As a clinical supervisor of psychiatric trainees, I will strongly urge my supervisees and other members of the mental health treatment team to use this practical, step-by-step guide to facilitate the integration of biological and psychosocial management approaches."--Henry A. Nasrallah, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati Medical Center

"The definitive text on the topic. This second edition will be extraordinarily valuable both for experienced clinicians with a background in social skills training and for those who are interested in expanding their skills by adapting this evidence-based practice. The strength of this volume is that it provides a scholarly discussion of social deficits in schizophrenia together with a highly practical, step-by-step approach for conducting social skills training."--Stephen R. Marder, MD, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles

Book Description
Incorporating the most up-to-date concepts and clinical tools, the newly revised and expanded second edition of this popular manual is even more user-friendly than its predecessor. Presented are an empirically tested format and ready-made curricula for skills training groups in a range of settings. Part I takes therapists and counselors step by step through assessing clients' existing skills, teaching new skills, and managing common treatment challenges. Part II comprises over 60 ready-to-photocopy skill sheets (15 more than the previous edition), each one a complete lesson plan in itself. Other features of the second edition include an important new chapter on working with dually diagnosed clients; an overview of the empirical support for the approach; and additional assessment forms. Of special value for practitioners, the new 8 1/2" x 11" format makes it easier than ever to reproduce and use the practical materials in the book.

Book Info
Guide to teaching essential social skills to schizophrenic clients. Based on an empirically.tested format and ready-made curricula. Designed for group facilitation.

About the Author
Full author listing:
Alan S. Bellack, PhD, ABPP, Mental Illness Research Education Clinical Center (MIRECC), VA Maryland Health Care System, and Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD; Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Departments of Psychiatry and Community and Family Medicine, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH; Susan Gingerich, MSW, independent consultant and trainer, Narberth, PA; and Julie Agresta, MSS, MEd, LSW, PhD candidate, private practice, Philadelphia, and Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

About the Authors
Alan S. Bellack, PhD, ABPP, is Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Division of Psychology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Director of the VA Capitol Health Care Network Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center (MIRECC).

Kim T. Mueser, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist and a Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Community and Family Medicine at the Dartmouth Medical School in Hanover, New Hampshire.

Susan Gingerich, MSW, is a full-time trainer and consultant based in Narberth, Pennsylvania.

Julie Agresta, MSS, MEd, is a licensed social worker in private practice in Cheltenham, Pennsylvania.

Social Skills Training for Schizophrenia: A Step-by-Step Guide


Incorporating the most up-to-date concepts and clinical tools, the newly revised and expanded second edition of this popular manual is even more user-friendly than its predecessor. Presented are an empirically tested format and ready-made curricula for skills training groups in a range of settings. Part I takes therapists and counselors step by step through assessing clients' existing skills, teaching new skills, and managing common treatment challenges. Part II comprises over 60 ready-to-photocopy skill sheets (15 more than the previous edition), each one a complete lesson plan in itself. Other features of the second edition include an important new chapter on working with dually diagnosed clients; an overview of the empirical support for the approach; and additional assessment forms. Of special value for practitioners, the new 8 1/2" x 11" format makes it easier than ever to reproduce and use the practical materials in the book.


The revised edition keeps its basic emphasis on hands-on tools for new and experienced clinicians but adds elements including an overview of empirical support for social skills training and a chapter on skills training for clients who also have substance abuse problems. A chapter on assessment has been substantially revised; other chapters have been combined and updated. The first section walks therapists and counselors through the process of assessing their clients' existing skills, teaching new skills, and managing common treatment challenges. The second part is given over to about 60 skill sheets and checklists that can be photocopied. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR


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