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Loving Someone With Bipolar Disorder  
Author: Julie A. Fast, John D. Preston
ISBN: 1572243422
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Julie Fast and John Preston have written a ground breaking book for couples who want to prevent manic depressive disorder from hijacking their relationship. Fast, a health writer diagnosed with bipolar illness and clinical psychologist Preston are ideal companions. Their innovative ideas will be welcomed by exhausted partners of "bipolar individuals"--whose illness can cause them to alternate between manic and depressed behavior. Once medication has been prescribed, the key is studying the specific ways your partner is effected. This allows couples to develop pro-active strategies for treating and stabilizing mood swings and symptoms, before they develop into full-blown crises. The techniques emphasize prevention, rather than putting out fires. These include understanding the difference between the person and the disease (know when "the bipolar disorder is talking") listing your partner's specific symptoms, identifying the triggers that lead to these symptoms and transforming the "bipolar conversation" The goal of all the tools is to pinpoint early warning signs of a manic or depressive episode and be prepared with a holistic treatment plan. Other segments of the book deal with the work (checkered resumes) and financial problems (spending sprees) created by this illness. The author's ideas are engaging, compassionate and realistic--an oasis of relief and hope. --Barbara Mackoff

Book Description
When a person loves someone with bipolar disorder, life can be very stressful. From medication troubles to a partner's mood swings the demands on a partner can be intense. Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder takes a unique and practical approach to these issues. Written by an author who has bipolar disorder (and who lived with a partner who also has bipolar disorder) and a coauthor with over ten books on the topic of mental illness, the book offers specific, practical and realistic tips on how a couple can work together as a team to create a treatment plan that teaches them to live with the illness while still maintaining a loving and joyful relationship. (Though this book is written for couples, friends and family members can use the techniques in the book as well.) Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder provides hope and encourages couples to work together to create a plan they can use to help stabilize bipolar disorder so that their relationship can focus on love and companionship instead of the illness. Chapters include ideas on how to create a comprehensive treatment plan that incorporates medications and supplements, diet, exercise and behavior and lifestyle changes into one practical approach to this very serious illness. The partner of a person with bipolar disorder learns about communicating with their partner when they're ill, getting real about the situation and how to take on other roles in healing besides caretaking. Other specific topics include work and money, emotions, sexual issues and much more. The goal of the book is to help couples create a relationship that is based on support and prevention instead of constant crisis control.

From the Publisher
New studies estimate that 5% of the world's population has some form of bipolar disorder. This is a much higher number than originally thought. Many of the people with the illness have a significant other who is also impacted by the illness. This book is the first of its kind: written to the partner of someone with bipolar disorder and designed to mend strained relationships. Through the tools offered in the book, readers learn how to control episodic crises and discover how to create a loving, healthy, and supportive relationship with a person who has bipolar disorder.

About the Author
Julie Fast, writer, public speaker and webmaster of Bipolarhappens.com was diagnosed with Bipolar II ultra, ultra rapid cycling in 1995 after 15 years of constantly wondering, "What's wrong with me? " Her partner of ten years was diagnosed with Bipolar I in 1994, which gives her book a unique perspective. Her philosophy is that bipolar disorder is a predictable and treatable illness once a person finds the right treatment plan. John Preston, Psy.D., ABPP is a Core faculty member with Alliant International University, Sacramento Campus. He has also taught on the faculty of UC Davis, School of Medicine. Dr. Preston is the author of eleven books, on various topics. His book, You Can Beat Depression, is endorsed by the National Mental Health Association.

Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder


New studies estimate that 5% of the world's population has some form of bipolar disorder.  This is a much higher number than originally thought. Many of the people with the illness have a significant other or loved one who is also impacted by the illness. This book is the first of its kind: written to the partner of someone with bipolar disorder and designed to mend strained relationships. Through the tools offered in the book, readers learn how to control episodic crises and discover how to create a loving, healthy, and supportive relationship with a person who has bipolar disorder.     About the Authors:   Julie Fast, writer, public speaker and webmaster of www.bipolarhappens.com was diagnosed with Bipolar II ultra, ultra rapid cycling in 1995 after 15 years of constantly wondering, ￯﾿ᄑWhat￯﾿ᄑs wrong with me? Why can￯﾿ᄑt I stay in one job, maintain relationships or live in one place?￯﾿ᄑ Her partner of ten years was diagnosed with Bipolar I in 1994.  She believes that this gives her books a very unique perspective.  Her philosophy is that bipolar disorder is not the chaotic mess it seems, but is instead a very predictable and often very treatable illness once a person finds the right treatment plan. Her dream is that all people with bipolar disorder can find a treatment plan that works for them individually so that they can have happy, healthy and stable relationships. Her motto is: Bipolar disorder is an illness, not your life.   John Preston, Psy.D., ABPP is a Core faculty member with Alliant International University, Sacramento Campus. He has also taught on the faculty of UC Davis, School of Medicine. Dr. Preston is the author of eleven books, on various topics including: psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, neurobiology, depression and spiritual aspects of emotional healing. His book, ￯﾿ᄑYou Can Beat Depression￯﾿ᄑ, is endorsed by the National Mental Health Association. He is also the author of ￯﾿ᄑDrugs in Psychiatry￯﾿ᄑ chapter in ￯﾿ᄑThe Encyclopedia Americana.￯﾿ᄑ Dr. Preston has lectured in the United States, Europe, and Russia and is the recipient of the Mental Health Association￯﾿ᄑs President￯﾿ᄑs Award.


When a person loves someone with bipolar disorder, life can be very stressful. From medication troubles to a partner￯﾿ᄑs mood swings the demands on a partner can be intense. ￯﾿ᄑLoving Someone with Bipolar Disorder￯﾿ᄑ takes a unique and practical approach to these issues. Written by an author who has bipolar disorder (and who lived with a partner who also has bipolar disorder) and a coauthor with over ten books on the topic of mental illness, the book offers specific, practical and realistic tips on how a couple can work together as a team to create a treatment plan that teaches them to live with the illness while still maintaining a loving and joyful relationship.  (Although this book is written for couples, friends and family members can use the techniques in the book as well.)  ￯﾿ᄑLoving Someone with Bipolar Disorder￯﾿ᄑ provides hope and encourages couples to work together to create a plan they can use to help stabilize bipolar disorder so that their relationship can focus on love and companionship instead of the illness. Chapters include ideas on how to create a holistic treatment plan that incorporates medications and supplements, diet, exercise and behavior and lifestyle changes into one practical approach to this very serious illness.  The partner of a person with bipolar disorder learns about communicating with their partner when they￯﾿ᄑre ill, getting real about the situation and how to take on other roles in healing besides caretaking. Other specific topics include work and money, emotions, sexual issues and much more. The goal of the book is to help couples create a relationship that is based on support and prevention instead of constant crisis control.


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