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Adolf Hitler  
Author: Eleanor H. Ayer
ISBN: 1560060727
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

From School Library Journal
Gr 7 Up--A fascinating look at two Nazis--one notorious for sending millions of people to death camps, the other celebrated for saving over 1,000 Jews from extermination. Ayer uses cogent quotations from a variety of primary sources and from recognized biographies to help put the rise of Adolf Hitler and the far-reaching power of the Third Reich into historical perspective. She also balances the view of ``Hitler as madman'' with analyses of the dictator's mental state, leadership qualities, and personality traits. Although the focus of Schindler is the subject's wartime rescue work, the book also touches upon his early life and post-war activities. How the ``good Nazi'' turned his prosperous business into a safe haven for Jewish workers is woven into a backdrop that vividly describes the horrors of the Holocaust. Bringing Schindler's motivation under scrutiny, Roberts quotes both Jews and Nazis, thus producing widely differing assessments of the man's character. Both titles include numerous black-and-white photos that are well chosen for content but darkly reproduced. Welcome additions for most libraries.Pat Katka, San Diego Public LibraryCopyright 1996 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

Adolf Hitler


School Library Journal

Gr 7 Up-A fascinating look at two Nazis-one notorious for sending millions of people to death camps, the other celebrated for saving over 1,000 Jews from extermination. Ayer uses cogent quotations from a variety of primary sources and from recognized biographies to help put the rise of Adolf Hitler and the far-reaching power of the Third Reich into historical perspective. She also balances the view of ``Hitler as madman'' with analyses of the dictator's mental state, leadership qualities, and personality traits. Although the focus of Schindler is the subject's wartime rescue work, the book also touches upon his early life and post-war activities. How the ``good Nazi'' turned his prosperous business into a safe haven for Jewish workers is woven into a backdrop that vividly describes the horrors of the Holocaust. Bringing Schindler's motivation under scrutiny, Roberts quotes both Jews and Nazis, thus producing widely differing assessments of the man's character. Both titles include numerous black-and-white photos that are well chosen for content but darkly reproduced. Welcome additions for most libraries.-Pat Katka, San Diego Public Library


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