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   Book Info

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The Juggling Book  
Author: Peter Owen
ISBN: 1558213260
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

From the Back Cover
Anyone can juggle - at least after they have read this practical, concisely illustrated guide. The Juggling Book takes the reader through a focused step-by-step course in juggling, beginning with basic three-ball techniques and progressing through such advanced three-ball patterns as the "dummy elevator" and the "machine." To challenge juggling skills, the book also covers juggling four balls, five, and more; instructions on juggling with clubs and other objects; and even notes on putting together a juggling act. With easy-to-follow illustrations and clear, descriptive passages, this is a book that will have even the novice "up and juggling" in short order. (6 X 9, 96 pages, diagrams)

The Juggling Book


Anyone can juggle - at least after they have read this practical, concisely illustrated guide. The Juggling Book takes the reader through a focused step-by-step course in juggling, beginning with basic three-ball techniques and progressing through such advanced three-ball patterns as the "dummy elevator" and the "machine." To challenge juggling skills, the book also covers juggling four balls, five, and more; instructions on juggling with clubs and other objects; and even notes on putting together a juggling act. With easy-to-follow illustrations and clear, descriptive passages, this is a book that will have even the novice "up and juggling" in short order. (6 X 9, 96 pages, diagrams)


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