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Inviting God in: Scriptural Reflections and Prayers throughout the Year  
Author: Joyce Rupp
ISBN: 0877939586
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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Book Description
God is always there, always waiting for our invitation to come in. Yet sometimes we need help hearing the knock at the door, putting some time aside, or beginning the conversation. In this collection of scriptural reflections and prayers, Joyce Rupp offers us the encouragement we so often require to stop and pray. Her thoughtful, perceptive reflections on scripture guide us as we open our hearts and ponder the meaning of God's word in our lives. And her poetic personal prayers help us find words for the longings in our hearts. Inviting God In is organized according to the seasons of the church year, from Advent and Christmas, to Lent and Easter, and on through the days of Ordinary Time and particular festivals. Each entry is just one page long, beginning with a verse from scripture followed by a reflection and a prayer. The book begins with an insightful reflection on prayer as "God's Gift to Us," reminding us of those basic truths about prayer that are sometimes easy to forget. One of our best-loved spiritual writers, Joyce Rupp once again sets just the right tone to invite us to pray.

About the Author
Joyce Rupp is well known for her work as a writer, spiritual "midwife" and retreat and conference speaker. A member of the Servites (Servants of Mary) community, she has led retreats throughout North America, as well as in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. Joyce is the author of numerous books, including the bestsellers The Cup of Our Life, May I Walk You Home? and Out of the Ordinary (all from Ave Maria Press).

Inviting God in: Scriptural Reflections and Prayers throughout the Year


God is always there, always waiting for our invitation to come in. Yet sometimes we need help hearing the knock at the door, putting some time aside, or beginning the conversation. In this collection of scriptural reflections and prayers, Joyce Rupp offers us the encouragement we so often require to stop and pray. Her thoughtful, perceptive reflections on scripture guide us as we open our hearts and ponder the meaning of God's word in our lives. And her poetic personal prayers help us find words for the longings in our hearts.
Inviting God In is organized according to the seasons of the church year, from Advent and Christmas, to Lent and Easter, and on through the days of Ordinary Time and particular festivals. Each entry is just one page long, beginning with a verse from scripture followed by a reflection and a prayer. The book begins with an insightful reflection on prayer as "God's Gift to Us," reminding us of those basic truths about prayer that are sometimes easy to forget.
One of our best-loved spiritual writers, Joyce Rupp once again sets just the right tone to invite us to pray.

Author Biography: Joyce Rupp is well known for her work as a writer, spiritual "midwife" and retreat and conference speaker. A member of the Servites (Servants of Mary) community, she has led retreats throughout North America, as well as in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. Joyce is the author of numerous books, including the bestsellers The Cup of Our Life, May I Walk You Home? and Out of the Ordinary (all from Ave Maria Press).


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