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A Prophetic Vision For The 21st Century: A Spiritual Map to Help You Navigate into the Future  
Author: Rick Joyner
ISBN: 0785269363
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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Book Description

Rick Joyner says, "We have tended to over-focus on the end of the age-the end times. But this is not just the end, it's the beginning of a new age when Christ will rule over the earth! For the church to reclaim the high ground of hope for the future, we must begin to proclaim the beginning, the coming of the kingdom." In A Prophetic Vision for the 21st Century, Joyner discusses why revival tarries for America, what it means to be delivered from the Mark of the Beast, the rise and fall of America, the greatest awakening, a famine in the land, and practical ways to serve in the latter days. It includes encouragement for weary church leaders as well as the second part of The Hordes of Hell are Marching, illustrating the unified church rising as an army in the most pivotal battle of all time between the light and darkness.

A Prophetic Vision For The 21st Century: A Spiritual Map to Help You Navigate into the Future


Rick Joyner says, "We have tended to over-focus on the end of the age￯﾿ᄑthe end times. But this is not just the end, it's the beginning of a new age when Christ will rule over the earth! For the church to reclaim the high ground of hope for the future, we must begin to proclaim the beginning, the coming of the kingdom." In A Prophetic Vision for the 21st Century, Joyner discusses why revival tarries for America, what it means to be delivered from the Mark of the Beast, the rise and fall of America, the greatest awakening, a famine in the land, and practical ways to serve in the latter days. It includes encouragement for weary church leaders as well as the second part of The Hordes of Hell are Marching, illustrating the unified church rising as an army in the most pivotal battle of all time between the light and darkness.


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