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Windows Architecture I and II (MCSD Study Guide)  
Author: Bruce T. Prendergast
ISBN: 0764531239
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Windows Architecture I & II MCSD Study Guide by Bruce T. Prendergast is a single-volume reference to all of the technologies and techniques measured in examinations 70-160 and 70-161--the required components of the Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD) certification curriculum. This massive, 1,533-page volume is written for serious study rather than quick test preparation. The author covers each topic in depth, building on previous chapters as he goes in order to assemble your expert knowledge for the exams.

This masterwork of Windows wisdom is a combination of very detailed technical information, reminiscence on the history of PC architecture development, and the author's own frank perspectives on where the technology is headed. The text is complemented well by numerous architectural diagrams, pertinent code listings, iconic conventions, and a companion CD-ROM that contains an electronic version of the book and a test simulation program. --Steven Plain

From Book News, Inc.
Focuses on the objectives of the Windows Architecture exams without losing track of the overall context needed to master the technologies. Each chapter discusses a distinct topic and includes test questions, critical thinking exercises, and examples of the technology at hand. Topics include component technologies, database access technologies, infrastructure, internet/intranet, and applications. The accompanying CD-ROM contains an electronic version of the book, excerpts from and , Adobe's Acrobat Reader, ISG Navigator, Internet Explorer 4.0, Transcender exam simulation software, and a complete source code. Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR

Book Description
Covers Exam 70-160 and Exam 70-161 Now you can wrap up the critical MCSD core requirements with a single book: Windows® Architecture I & II MCSD Study Guide, the ultimate, all-in-one study tool for prospective MCSD professionals. Certified systems engineer and solution developer Bruce T. Prendergast has produced the seminal MCSD study guide with more than 1,500 pages of tips, tables, samples, examples, code listings, key point summaries, Instant Assessment questions, practice tests, and lab exercises. Prendergast moves methodically through the key MCSD study objectives from Component and Database Access Technologies to Infrastructure, Internet/Intranet, and Applications. After plowing through the Windows Architecture I & II MCSD Study Guide, you can test your MCSD mettle with Instant Assessment questions and a complete review of the Windows Architecture I & II in the Resources section. Plus, the companion CD-ROM contains Transcender exam simulation software that actually simulates the MCSD exam.

Book Info
Focuses on the objectives without losing track of the overall context you need to master the technologies of MCSD. Designed exclusively for the MCSD core exams. CD-ROM included.

About the Author
Bruce T. Prendergast, MCSE and MCSD, has been programming since the 1950s and is an independent consultant in the Los Angeles area. In his spare time Bruce can be found on his mountain bike in the mountains surrounding Los Angeles, as well as absorbed in writing a new novel.

Windows Architecture I and II (MCSD Study Guide)


Covers Exam 70-160 and Exam 70-161

Now you can wrap up the critical MCSD core requirements with a single book: Windows® Architecture I & II MCSD Study Guide, the ultimate, all-in-one study tool for prospective MCSD professionals. Certified systems engineer and solution developer Bruce T. Prendergast has produced the seminal MCSD study guide with more than 1,500 pages of tips, tables, samples, examples, code listings, key point summaries, Instant Assessment questions, practice tests, and lab exercises.

Prendergast moves methodically through the key MCSD study objectives from Component and Database Access Technologies to Infrastructure, Internet/Intranet, and Applications. After plowing through the Windows Architecture I & II MCSD Study Guide, you can test your MCSD mettle with Instant Assessment questions and a complete review of the Windows Architecture I & II in the Resources section. Plus, the companion cd-rom contains Transcender exam simulation software that actually simulates the MCSD exam.



Focuses on the objectives of the Windows Architecture exams without losing track of the overall context needed to master the technologies. Each chapter discusses a distinct topic and includes test questions, critical thinking exercises, and examples of the technology at hand. Topics include component technologies, database access technologies, infrastructure, internet/intranet, and applications. The accompanying CD-ROM contains an electronic version of the book, excerpts from and , Adobe's Acrobat Reader, ISG Navigator, Internet Explorer 4.0, Transcender exam simulation software, and a complete source code. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.


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