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PowerPoint 2000 for Windows for Dummies  
Author: Doug Lowe
ISBN: 0764504509
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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Book Description
Not too long ago (in a galaxy not too far away), the term presentation software meant poster board and marker pens. Times sure have changed. Now, computer presentations are the norm; in fact, you may get some downright dirty looks from your boss if you come into a conference room carrying flip charts or a stack of handwritten transparencies.

The term PowerPoint has become synonymous with fancy-schmancy, computer presentations; in fact, PowerPoint is now a major tool in boardrooms everywhere. And if you haven't been instructed to create a PowerPoint presentation, it's only a matter of time before you will be!

But how do you get started with PowerPoint? How do you get those ideas in your head or on your legal pad into a slick presentation format? Despite Microsoft's valiant effort to make PowerPoint easy to use, it's still one of Microsoft's most complicated programs. And that's where PowerPoint 2000 For Windows For Dummies steps in to help.

Veteran Dummies author Doug Lowe introduces you to the power of PowerPoint 2000 in his typically humorous and easy-to-understand style. This book not only shows you how to get started with PowerPoint 2000, but it also shows you how to actually do what you need to do – without all the geeky jargon of the standard computer manual. Here's just a few of the topics covered in PowerPoint 2000 For Windows For Dummies: Creating a brand-spanking-new presentation Adding text to your slides Editing and printing your presentations Formatting your slides: From selecting colors to using templates Using clip art and drawing your own masterpieces Incorporating charts, graphs, and animation into your presentation Including Web links and serving up your presentation on the Web Collaborating with others on a presentation Top Ten lists on the new features of PowerPoint 2000, fixing things that go wrong, and powerful PowerPoint shortcuts

So whether you're an experienced PowerPoint guru or a newbie who has a presentation due by the end of the week (and it's Thursday!), you'll find all you need in PowerPoint 2000 For Windows For Dummies.

Book Info
Designed to help you create dynamic presentations with the expert advice of the author. Designed to help you organize, illustrate, and deliver your ideas with maximum impact using PowerPoint's easy-to-use built-in features. Softcover.

From the Back Cover
PowerPoint "Cheat Sheet" Inside! Create Effective, Eye-Catching Presentations — Quickly and Easily! Not artistic? Not techno-savvy? Not a problem! You too can create dynamic presentations that will blow your audience away. With the expert advice of Doug Lowe, you'll find out how to organize, illustrate, and deliver your ideas with maximum impact using PowerPoint's easy-to-use built-in features. Whether you're preparing a slide show for a conference room, a sales presentation for your laptop, or a demo for your Web site, the tips and tricks you discover here will leave them saying "Wow!" Inside, find helpful advice on how to:Master PowerPoint basics — and start creating terrific-looking presentations todayUse PowerPoint's slide masters, templates, and macros to save time and develop a consistent lookSelect a color palette that maximizes the impact of your presentation — and create graphics, tables, and charts that drive your message homeSpeed up production with Tri-Pane view, the new feature that lets you toggle between slides, outlines, and notesDazzle your audience with clip art, sounds, video, and other cool multimedia effectsMake sure everything runs smoothly when you're broadcasting slides from your laptopSave your presentation in HTML format and post it on your Web site

About the Author
About Doug Lowe Doug Lowe is a seasoned For Dummies® author with 30 computer books to his credit, including Internet Explorer 5 For Windows® For Dummies®, Networking For Dummies®, 4th Edition, and Client/Server Computing For Dummies®, 3rd Edition.

PowerPoint 2000 For Windows For Dummies


Not artistic? Not techno-savvy? Not a problem! Create effective, eye-catching presentations that will blow your audiences away. With the expert advice of PowerPoint pro Doug Lowe and the know-how packed inside this plain-English reference, you find out how to organize, illustrate, and deliver your ideas with maximum impact and a minimum of headaches by using PowerPoint's powerful built-in features. Whether you're preparing a slide show for a conference room, a sales presentation for your laptop, or a demo for your Web site, the tips and tricks you find inside PowerPoint 2000 For Windows For Dummies will leave your audiences clamoring for more!

PowerPoint 2000 For Windows For Dummies delivers fast and friendly advice on how to:Master the PowerPoint basics and start creating great-looking presentations todayUse PowerPoint's slide masters, templates, and macros to save time and develop a consistent lookSelect a color palette that maximizes the impact of your presentations; and create graphics, tables, and charts that drive your message homeSpeed up production with Tri-Pane view, the new feature that lets you toggle between slides, outlines, and notesDazzle your audience with clip art, sounds, video, and other cool multimedia effectsMake sure everything runs smoothly when you're broadcasting slides from your laptopSave your presentation in HTML and post it on your Web siteDiscover the fun and easy way to build multimedia presentations for business, school, or the Internet today.


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