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Snowbound Heart  
Author: Jennifer Blake
ISBN: 0759239282
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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Book Description
All Clare Thornton wanted was a relaxing vacation in the mountains learning how to ski, but a snowstorm causes her to wreck her car and seek out shelter in a seemingly abandoned cabin. But when the famous movie star Logan Longcross walks through the door of the cabin Clare finds herself on trail by a man who fiercely guards his privacy and does not accept her innocent explanations of the car crash as her reason for showing up on his doorstep. When the snow clears and a famous movie producer shows up at the door of the cabin expecting to find his wife in the arms of the famous star, Clare suddenly becomes Logan's faux fiancée. They both must do the acting of their lives if they are to convince the producer that he should consider Logan's movie proposal and that Clare and Logan are lovers. But is the love they display really an act?

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All Clare Thornton wanted was a relaxing vacation in the mountains learning how to ski, but a snowstorm causes her to wreck her car and seek out shelter in a seemingly abandoned cabin. But when the famous movie star Logan Longcross walks through the door of the cabin Clare finds herself on trail by a man who fiercely guards his privacy and does not accept her innocent explanations of the car crash as her reason for showing up on his doorstep. When the snow clears and a famous movie producer shows up at the door of the cabin expecting to find his wife in the arms of the famous star, Clare suddenly becomes Logan's faux fiancée. They both must do the acting of their lives if they are to convince the producer that he should consider Logan's movie proposal and that Clare and Logan are lovers. But is the love they display really an act?

Snowbound Heart


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