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Troubleshooting Microsoft Windows XP  
Author: Stephen W. Sagman
ISBN: 073561492X
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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Book Description
Troubleshooting Microsoft Windows XP provides fast answers to problems that can arise when using the Windows XP Home or Windows XP Professional operating system. The book addresses common issues with the new user interface, the taskbar and toolbars, printing, faxes, games, and dial-up connections. Each section features a diagnostic chart with clear, step-by-step solutions to try right away, plus alternate solutions to try if the problem is more complex. Screen images illustrate what users see on their computer as they work through the steps.

Troubleshooting Microsoft Windows XP


Troubleshooting Microsoft Windows XP provides fast answers to problems that can arise when using the Windows XP Home or Windows XP Professional operating system. The book addresses common issues with the new user interface, the taskbar and toolbars, printing, faxes, games, and dial-up connections. Each section features a diagnostic chart with clear, step-by-step solutions to try right away, plus alternate solutions to try if the problem is more complex. Screen images illustrate what users see on their computer as they work through the steps.
When users of Windows XP get stuck, Troubleshooting Microsoft Windows XP helps them pinpoint the problem and identify a solution—fast!
Easy-to-use book delivers fast solutions so that users can fix their own software problems—no phone calls, no fruitless trial and error! Key Book Benefits:
* Designed expressly to help beginning and intermediate users solve problems, Troubleshooting Microsoft Windows XP quickly pinpoints the source of the problem and recommends a solution.
* With a choice of several ways to access information—Top 20 Problems, quick-reference, detailed tables of contents, and flowcharts—users can solve their problem without a lot of work and without having to call technical support. Sidebars explain why the problem might have occurred and help users avoid the problem in the future.
* Readers of other Troubleshooting titles have praised how easy this approach makes it to find the information they need, because the books lay out a clear path from problem to solution.


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