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Eloise : The Ultimate Edition  
Author: Kay Thompson, Hilary Knight (Illustrator)
ISBN: 0689839901
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Frankly, one can never have too much Eloise. For all those who love love love the irrepressible 6-year-old resident of New York City's haughty Plaza Hotel, and shining star of Kay Thompson and Hilary Knight's classic Eloise, the ultimate joy is to see four favorite titles collected in one enormous volume: Eloise: The Ultimate Edition. Sit back and watch as our heroine braids Skipperdee the turtle's ears, brushes her teeth with pear lemonade in Moscow, absolutely goes wild in Paris, and jingles around her lobby at Christmastime, tying tassels on the thermostat. This edition, with a lovely new dust jacket by Hilary Knight, includes our absolutely darling little sweetnik in Eloise in Moscow, the fantastique Eloise in Paris, the rawther festive Eloise at Christmastime, and the splendid scrapbook of memorabilia, photos, and drawings, The Absolutely Essential Eloise. It's all absolutely essential, if you ask us. (All ages) --Emilie Coulter

Bobby Short What a delight to find Kay and Hilary's precocious scamp on the loose again! I love Eloise!

Robert Wagner Long may Eloise "skibble" through life and remind us all how a little imagination can get us through the daily grind with a very big smile.

The (London) Telegraph Magazine Ooooooooo I just love Eloise.

The (London) Telegraph Magazine Ooooooooo I just love Eloise.

The (London) Telegraph Magazine Ooooooooo I just love Eloise.

Book Description
If you love love love Eloise (who doesn't?) and you cawn't cawn't cawn't get enough of her (who can?) then you simply MUST have this absolutely enormous book It has everything Eloise not just The Absolutely Essential and jolie Paris and fa la la la la Christmastime and dear gray Moscow but a lovely new dustjacket by Mr. Knight Even if you have all the Eloise books you need this one too So charge it please and THANK YOU VERY MUCH

Eloise: The Ultimate Edition


Eloise, the wonderfully boisterous six-year-old from New York City, would name this collection of her four books nothing less than the Ultimate. From first glance, we knew Eloise was a pint-size force to be reckoned with -- and adored! She amuses, advises, and delights children (and adults) of all ages with her antics in the Plaza Hotel and around the world. This gorgeous collection features all four of Eloise's titles: Eloise in Moscow; Eloise in Paris; Eloise at Christmastime; and The Absolutely Essential Eloise. Witness her sending water down the mail chute, wearing Kleenex boxes on her head (they make fabulous hats), and generally getting away with anything. This lovely new edition will help you glorify all that is Eloise and feed your inner diva.


Children's Literature

All the world agrees that Eloise is delightful, and we are sooooooooo glad to have her back. The topic to be addressed here, then, is one of packaging. All four of the original Eloise tales are included in this volume, as well as Marie Brenner's nostalgic scrapbook penned for The Absolutely Essential Eloise edition. The only new material added is Hilary Knight's cover. It's a cheerful cover. But Eloise feels cramped, all mashed together. She needs the expanse of individual editions, needs the space￯﾿ᄑand time￯﾿ᄑbetween stories to truly shine. Close, but no cigar. 2000, Simon and Schuster. Ages All. Reviewer: Kathleen Karr


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