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Star Trek #79: Invasion! #1: First Strike  
Author: Diane L. Carey
ISBN: 0671540025
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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Book Description
Long ago, before the days of myth and legend, our worlds belonged to them. Now they want them back. . . .

Captain Kirk is stunned when the Federation receives an urgent plea for help -- from the Klingon Empire. A mysterious starship has invaded Klingon space and resisted all their efforts to destroy it. Establishing contact with the stranger's ship, Kirk discovers that it is only the vanguard of a vast alien fleet obsessed with conquering the Klingons, the Federation, the Romulans, and all who dwell in the space that was once their own.

The Invasion has begun. . . .

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Long ago, even before the days of myth and legend, our worlds belong to them--now they want them back. Captain Kirk is stunned when the Federation receives an urgent plea for help from the Klingon Empire. A mysterious starship has invaded Klingon space and resisted all their efforts to destroy it. Kirk discovers a fleet obsessed with conquering all who dwell in the space that was once their own.

Simon & Schuster
Long ago, before the days of myth and legend, our worlds belonged to them. Now they want them back. . . .

Captain Kirk is stunned when the Federation receives an urgent plea for help -- from the Klingon Empire. A mysterious starship has invaded Klingon space and resisted all their efforts to destroy it. Establishing contact with the stranger's ship, Kirk discovers that it is only the vanguard of a vast alien fleet obsessed with conquering the Klingons, the Federation, the Romulans, and all who dwell in the space that was once their own.

The Invasion has begun. . . .

Star Trek #79: Invasion! #1: First Strike


Long ago, before the days of myth and legend, our worlds belonged to them. Now they want them back. . . .

Captain Kirk is stunned when the Federation receives an urgent plea for help -- from the Klingon Empire. A mysterious starship has invaded Klingon space and resisted all their efforts to destroy it. Establishing contact with the stranger's ship, Kirk discovers that it is only the vanguard of a vast alien fleet obsessed with conquering the Klingons, the Federation, the Romulans, and all who dwell in the space that was once their own.

The Invasion has begun. . . .


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