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For the Birds  
Author: Jacqueline Carroll
ISBN: 0671042025
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Book Description
"Oh, no! Everyone thinks we're heroes!" Michelle is not happy when she's teamed up with Rachel Tilly for the class bird watching assignment. But then they find a Cassin's Finch -- a bird that's hardly ever seen in San Francisco. Now a reporter wants to write about Michelle and Rachel. Even put their pictures in the newspaper! How cool is that? Totally cool! Until Michelle finds out the bird they saw isn't really a Cassin's Finch. She wants to tell the truth right away. But Rachel has another idea. One that just might save the day...or get them in big, big trouble!

For the Birds


"Oh, no! Everyone thinks we're heroes!"

Michelle is not happy when she's teamed up with Rachel Tilly for the class bird watching assignment. But then they find a Cassin's Finch -- a bird that's hardly ever seen in San Francisco. Now a reporter wants to write about Michelle and Rachel. Even put their pictures in the newspaper! How cool is that?

Totally cool! Until Michelle finds out the bird they saw isn't really a Cassin's Finch. She wants to tell the truth right away. But Rachel has another idea. One that just might save the day...or get them in big, big trouble!


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