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Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg: Secret Sharers, Vol. 1  
Author: Robert Silverberg
ISBN: 0553370685
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Book Description
Twenty-four stories are included in this ambitious collection of Silverberg's work, each with an introduction by the author recollecting the time and place in which they were conceived. Winner of five Nebula Awards and four Hugos, Silverberg is one of the undisputed masters of science fiction.

Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg: Secret Sharers, Vol. 1


Publishers Weekly

The first in a series of volumes of Silverberg's ( The Conglomeroid Cocktail Party ) Hugo and Nebula Award-winning stories among others, this collection serves as a gallery in which old and new fans may fall under the master's spell. Whether he has set his tale on the cold, unforgiving surface of Pluto or within a Los Angeles enslaved by aliens, Silverberg is unparalleled in dramatizing the human heart. The average marriage pales next to the intense passion achieved by a pair of loving telepaths separated by thousands of miles. A professional con man who sells bum pardons to prisoners in alien work camps finds himself bewitched by the eyes of the judge who must pass sentence on his crimes--a judge who, years earlier, was conned by him. And in the 35th century, when only one person in a million grows old, a devoted android searches the world for his aging, humiliated lover. Such stories resonate; however, when Silverberg becomes preoccupied with merely clever ideas, such as an ancient extraterrestrial computer bent on taking over the world, he's lost in space. But these very few failures are nothing more than fanciful what-ifs from an author whose work continues to expand the boundaries of the science fiction genre. (Oct.)

Library Journal

The first volume in an attempt to collect the short fiction of one of sf's virtuosos consists of 24 titles, among them, ``Sailing to Byzantium,'' ``House of Bones,'' and ``Hannibal's Elephants.''


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