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Schizophrenia, Culture, and Subjectivity: The Edge of Experience  
Author: Janis Hunter Jenkins
ISBN: 0521536413
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Book Description
Based on international research, this collection incorporates a critical analysis of World Health Organization cross-cultural findings. Contributors share an interest in subjective and interpretive aspects of illness, while maintaining the concept of schizophrenia that addresses its biological aspects. The volume is of interest to scholars in the social and human sciences, and of practical relevance not only to psychiatrists, but all mental health professionals encountering the clinical problems bridging culture and psychosis.

Book Info
Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, OH. Based on international research, text presents a critical analysis of World Health Organization cross-cultural findings and discusses subjective and interpretive aspects of schizophrenia. Addresses the biological aspects of the illness. Softcover, hardcover available.

Schizophrenia, Culture, and Subjectivity: The Edge of Experience


This volume brings together a number of the foremost scholars - anthropologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and historians - currently studying schizophrenia, its subjective dimensions, and the cultural processes through which these are experienced. Based on research undertaken in Australia, Bangladesh, Borneo, Canada, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, the United States, and Zanzibar, it also incorporates a critical analysis of World Health Organization cross-cultural findings. Contributors share an interest in subjective and interpretive aspects of illness, but all work with a concept of schizophrenia that addresses its biological dimensions. The volume is of interest to scholars in the social and human sciences for the theoretical attention given to the relationship between culture and subjectivity. Multidisciplinary in design, it is written in a style accessible to a diverse readership, including undergraduate students. It is of practical relevance not only to psychiatrists, but also to all mental health professionals who encounter, day to day, the clinical problems arising at the interface of culture and psychosis.


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