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Damn Right!: Behind the Scenes with Berkshire Hathaway Billionaire Charlie Munger  
Author: Janet Lowe
ISBN: 0471446912
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

From Publishers Weekly
HWhen Warren Buffett's partner, fellow Nebraskan and Berkshire Hathaway vice-chairman Charles T. Munger (now 76 years old) was a young boy, his hero was the independent Robinson Crusoe. As he grew older, he strove (and still strives) to emulate the creative thinker Benjamin Franklin, whom Munger admires most for his commitment to social causes and philanthropy. (Munger is one of the pioneering supporters of Planned Parenthood.) Lowe, who spent three intensive years learning about Munger's life and work, had the full cooperation of his subject for this biography and access to his vast network of admiring and devoted business associates, his family and his lifelong friends. She does a superb job of re-creating Munger's development from a respectable lawyer to a savvy investor, providing intricate details about the incisive thinking behind his business deals, which she weaves into a captivating narrative. The droll, brilliant, focused and intensely private Munger conducts his business the way he lives his life: he invests his time and his money in people of strong moral character and businesses that are intrinsically sound. He is not averse to risk, because he calculates it carefully, and, most crucially, when he makes a commitment, he does so for the long term. Agent, Alice Fried Martell. Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Damn Right!: Behind the Scenes with Berkshire Hathaway Billionaire Charlie Munger


Although the face of Charlie Munger has graced the covers of such renowned magazines as Fortune, and he has been profiled in several newspapers, very little has been written about the man who is considered by many to be the "brains behind" business partner and investment guru Warren Buffett -- until now.

Businessperson, attorney, confidant, and straight man to Buffett's jokes, father of nine, and self-made billionaire in his own right, Charlie Munger's career is an inarguable testament to his genius, versatility, loyalty, and famed talent for "cutting through the bull." Buffett himself credits Munger as the person who expanded his horizons by teaching him the value of great franchises and the virtues of qualitative analysis. Yet, as this first-ever book about one of the investment world's most mysterious, private, and illusive figures reveals, Charlie Munger is far more than the man behind Buffett's throne.

A midwesterner through and through, the Omaha native is living proof that valuable, innovative financial and cultural ideas can and do flow from east to west. Indeed, the Berkshire Hathaway empire's stature as a model-investment-firm-turned-household-word is a reflection of Director and Vice Chairman Munger's staunch advocacy for ethical business practices, his brutal honesty, and his perseverance in the face of myriad adversity. An occasional lecturer and enigmatic instructor in how to become financially independent, lead an ethical life, and be responsible to your family, your community, and your world, Munger is, above all, a man whose life lessons are revealed not so much in the telling as in the living. And quite a life it's been thus far, as this fascinating mosaic of business philosophy, humor, and biography clearly conveys.

Drawing from the unprecedented cooperation of Charlie Munger himself, as well as his family, Warren Buffett, numerous interviews, speech transcripts, and other writings, Damn Right! offers an unparalleled look at the techniques, tactics, and personal history of one of the foremost thinkers of our time, from his fortuitous connection with Buffett to his evolution as a remarkable strategist, corporate wizard, and exceptional citizen.


Lloyd's List

Janet Lowe's extensive access to Charlie Munger, his family, friends and business partners has ensured a perceptive look at the man and his business methods.

International Wealth Management

This is a well-written, fascinating, cautionary tale which examines the seductive nature of power, and people's willingness to believe in these latter-day icons.

Publishers Weekly

HWhen Warren Buffett's partner, fellow Nebraskan and Berkshire Hathaway vice-chairman Charles T. Munger (now 76 years old) was a young boy, his hero was the independent Robinson Crusoe. As he grew older, he strove (and still strives) to emulate the creative thinker Benjamin Franklin, whom Munger admires most for his commitment to social causes and philanthropy. (Munger is one of the pioneering supporters of Planned Parenthood.) Lowe, who spent three intensive years learning about Munger's life and work, had the full cooperation of his subject for this biography and access to his vast network of admiring and devoted business associates, his family and his lifelong friends. She does a superb job of re-creating Munger's development from a respectable lawyer to a savvy investor, providing intricate details about the incisive thinking behind his business deals, which she weaves into a captivating narrative. The droll, brilliant, focused and intensely private Munger conducts his business the way he lives his life: he invests his time and his money in people of strong moral character and businesses that are intrinsically sound. He is not averse to risk, because he calculates it carefully, and, most crucially, when he makes a commitment, he does so for the long term. Agent, Alice Fried Martell. (Nov.) Copyright 2000 Cahners Business Information.


A look at the techniques, tactics and history of Charlie Munger, a man some consider to be the brains behind investment guru Warren Buffett. Lowe, an investment writer, constructed the book from information gathered from Munger and his family, as well as Buffett. The book explores the personal life of a man famous for being private, following him through World War II, the death of a son, and a surgery that left him blind in one eye. Speeches by Munger are included in the appendix. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)


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