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Blending Families: A Guide for Parents, Stepparents, Grandparents, and Everyone Building a Successful New Family  
Author: Elaine Fantle Shomberg
ISBN: 0425166775
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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Book Description
Today more Americans are part of a second-marriage family than a first. Inevitably, these newly blended "stepfamilies" will be confronted by their own special problems and needs. This insightful problem-solving guide offers solid solutions--and includes real-life stories from families who've been through the adjustment process. Written by an award-winning author who specializes in health and family care, the book covers a wide range of issues--emotional, financial, disciplinary, and interpersonal. Naturally, there is no "one-size-fits-all" solution for second-marriage families. Each is unique, with its own composition, personalities, and problems. But with patience and understanding, this new family can work, live, and eventually love--together. Includes special sections on:
* Family communication
* Former spouses
* Grandparents and step-grandparents
* Juggling households
* Commuting children
* Discipline
* School issues
* Family customs and rituals
* Religious differences
* Reducing stress
* Adult time
* Money issues
* Holiday planning
* Vacations
* Curfews and other rules

Blending Families: A Guide for Parents, Stepparents, Grandparents, and Everyone Building a Successful New Family


Today more Americans are part of a second-marriage family than a first. Inevitably, these newly blended "stepfamilies" will be confronted by their own special problems and needs. This insightful problem-solving guide offers solid solutions--and includes real-life stories from families who've been through the adjustment process. Written by an award-winning author who specializes in health and family care, the book covers a wide range of issues--emotional, financial, disciplinary, and interpersonal. Naturally, there is no "one-size-fits-all" solution for second-marriage families. Each is unique, with its own composition, personalities, and problems. But with patience and understanding, this new family can work, live, and eventually love--together. Includes special sections on:
* Family communication
* Former spouses
* Grandparents and step-grandparents
* Juggling households
* Commuting children
* Discipline
* School issues
* Family customs and rituals
* Religious differences
* Reducing stress
* Adult time
* Money issues
* Holiday planning
* Vacations
* Curfews and other rules


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