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Magnificent Obsession  
Author: Lloyd C. Douglas
ISBN: 0395957745
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

From AudioFile
Lloyd C. Douglas novels, many of which are also classic movies, are weft in the fabric of American culture. In Magnificent Obsession, playboy Bobby Merrick becomes a physician after causing the death of renowned brain surgeon Wayne Hudson. Hudson's death redefines Merrick's personal life even more than his professional life. Fine points in the novel, particularly medical details, are dated. Obsolescence presents a double bind for reader Durbin. Soothing and therapeutic, Durbin's interpretation conveys the story's compassion. His voice, however, lacks the passion needed to pace the story for audio. Consider Magnificent Obsession a mixed blessing. D.K. (c)AudioFile, Portland, Maine

Book Description
When Robert Merrick's life is saved at the expense of the life of an eccentric but adored surgeon, the carefree playboy is forced to reevaluate his own path. Merrick embarks on a course of anonymous philanthropy, inspired by reading the doctor's private papers. An engaging and dramatic story of personal redemption and private sacrifice, this spiritual tale has served as an inspiration for both the stage and screen.

Magnificent Obsession


When Robert Merrick's life is saved at the expense of the life of an eccentric but adored surgeon, the carefree playboy is forced to reevaluate his own path. Merrick embarks on a course of anonymous philanthropy, inspired by reading the doctor's private papers. An engaging and dramatic story of personal redemption and private sacrifice, this spiritual tale has served as an inspiration for both the stage and screen.


AudioFile - Diane W. Kazlauskas

Lloyd C. Douglas novels, many of which are also classic movies, are weft in the fabric of American culture. In Magnificent Obsession, playboy Bobby Merrick becomes a physician after causing the death of renowned brain surgeon Wayne Hudson. Hudson￯﾿ᄑs death redefines Merrick￯﾿ᄑs personal life even more than his professional life. Fine points in the novel, particularly medical details, are dated. Obsolescence presents a double bind for reader Durbin. Soothing and therapeutic, Durbin￯﾿ᄑs interpretation conveys the story￯﾿ᄑs compassion. His voice, however, lacks the passion needed to pace the story for audio. Consider Magnificent Obsession a mixed blessing. D.K. ￯﾿ᄑAudioFile, Portland, Maine


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