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Wild Hearts  
Author: Virginia Henley
ISBN: 0380895366
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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Book Description

On Tabby Lamont's very wedding night, a daring Scottish lord known as the "Rogue" sweeps out of the night to snatch her from the clutches of the wealthy scoundrel who means to make her his wife. Frightened -- and furious -- she is held hostage in the splendor of the Rogue's Highland castle, where she cannot escape his charms. She swears never to submit to his bold desire but, trapped in a dangerous game of power and conquest, Tabby needs an ally. Her brazen attempts to bewitch her captor misfire when her anger melts into need and carries them down a path of sweet seduction. While dark secrets from the past threaten to sweep her away, so does the promise of a blistering, passionate love that could join two wild hearts forever.

About the Author
Virginia Henley is the author of eighteen historical novels, including the New York Times bestsellers Seduced and Desired, as well as three novellas. Her work has been translated into fourteen languages. She is the recipient of more than a dozen writing awards, including a Romantic Times Lifetime Achievement Award, a Waldenbooks' Bestselling Award, and a Maggie Award for Excellence from the Georgia Romance Writers. Married for forty-six years, Virginia and her husband live in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Wild Hearts


In preparation for Henley's book, Tempted, an Island super-release set for February, 1993, Avon reissues this riveting, dramatic historical romance. Abducted by the Scottish lord known as "The Rogue" as she prepares to wed a wealthy scoundrel, Tabby Lamont is taken to a remote Highlands castle, where she is drawn into a dangerous game of royal power and intrigue. Reissue.


Daring Rescue

Snatched from the clutches of the wealthy scoundrel who was about to make her his wife, beautiful Tabby Lamont is carried into the night by the daring Scottish lord they call "The Rogue." Frightened and furious, she swears never to submit to the lust of her bold abductor.Dangerous Desire

Held hostage in the silk and splendor of his remote Highland castle, her resolve melts as anger turns to searing seduction-drawing her into a dangerous game of royal power and conquest. And as the dark secrets from the past sweep them both toward a blazing destiny, surging passions swell to join two wild hearts forever in the magnificent splendor of their love.


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