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MCSE: Implementing and Supporting Windows 98  
Author: Tom Dell
ISBN: 0130322504
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

From Book News, Inc.
A book/CD-ROM study guide covering every objective of the MCSE Windows 98 MCP Exam 70-098. Chapters correspond to basic exam objectives such as planning, installation and configuration, resource management, monitoring and optimization, and troubleshooting. Each chapter is further divided into subsections that correspond specifically to MCSE exam contents. Additional non-MCSE-specific material is also provided in some areas. The CD-ROM contains an interactive training course. Dell is a networking and training consultant.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR

Book Info
An intermediate-level tutorial in implementing and supporting Windows 98, for MCSE exam 70-098. A complete and official study guide, covering every exam objective. The CD-ROM contains 4 hours of bonus training, and is accompanied by a companion Web site with even more bonus material. DLC: Electronic data processing personnel--Certification.

From the Back Cover
Pass Microsoft's Windows 98 MCP Exam 70-098 - with flying colors! Covers the entire Windows 98 lifecycle: planning, rollout, management, and troubleshooting Using Windows 98 desktop management features to reduce ownership costs Detailed hardware coverage: modems, printers, USB, multiple displays, and more Monitoring, performance optimization, and the Windows 98 Maintenance Wizard Exclusive Study Breaks: test your knowledge through practical, performance-based exercises Includes hundreds of review questions plus several complete case study scenarios! This Microsoft-approved study guide delivers in-depth coverage of every MCSE Windows 98 exam objective! It's more than a book: it's a complete, integrated learning solution, with 4 hours of bonus Windows 98 training on CD-ROM, plus an up-to-the-minute, fully integrated Web site. It'll help you maximize your effectiveness managing Windows 98(starting today, and for long after you've passed your exam! Microsoft technologies expert Tom Dell covers the entire Windows 98 lifecycle: planning, installation, configuration, hardware, management, maintenance, and more. Coverage includes: developing appropriate implementation models for your specific requirements, integrating Windows 98 desktops with your existing Microsoft or NetWare infrastructure, and reducing desktop management costs with system policies and user profiles. You'll also find start-to-finish coverage of Windows 98 networking, including protocols, Dial-Up Networking, remote configuration, and Personal Web Server. From security to the Registry, dual-boot environments to the FAT32 file system, here's the complete resource you need to ace your exam(and make the most of Windows 98 in any business environment! Supercharge your training with EXCLUSIVE Web & interactive resources! We've teamed with SmartForce, the world's #1 developer of IT self-paced training, to include a state-of-the-art interactive training course on CD-ROM. And that's not all: Every Prentice Hall PTR MCSE book is 100% integrated with its own exclusive MCSE training Web site, delivering all this and more... Interactive test Q&A section Projects you can complete-with detailed solutions Virtual Study Lounge: interact with students, authors, and trainers online! Author's Corner: Book and exam updates and training news

About the Author
TOM DELL, an internationally known writer, trainer, and consultant, is President of Scion Networks, a leading networking and training consultancy. His recent books and courseware include Core MCSE, MCSE: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, and The Complete MCSE Internet Information Server 4 Training Course. He resides in Huntington Beach, CA.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
PrefaceThis book is designed primarily to support computing professionals preparing for the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and/or MCSE plus Internet core exams. This book prepares a candidate for Exam 70-098, Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows 98.This book will also benefit any computing professional who manages Windows-based computing environments, particularly in the enterprise. It is designed to be both a training guide and reference resource.Who This Book Is ForThis book is designed to provide concise and comprehensive information for computer professionals who manage computers running under the Microsoft Windows 98 operating system. Readers of this book should have a working knowledge of a Microsoft Windows operating system, such as Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0. This book will give the reader the knowledge needed to pass the Windows 98 exam requirements of the MCSE program.What You'll NeedThrough the use of numerous illustrations and an interactive CD-ROM-based training supplement, we have endeavored to make this book as self-contained as possible. Nevertheless, we acknowledge that there is no substitute for hands-on experience. To practice the concepts explained in this book, you will need at least an Intel 486/33 computer with 16 Mbytes of RAM (32 Mbytes recommended), 450 Mbytes of free hard disk space, a network adapter card, a mouse (or other pointing device), a VGA monitor, a CD-ROM drive, and a printer. Optional equipment includes a modem or ISDN adapter, a 1.44 Mbyte 3.5-inch floppy diskette drive, and a tape drive. Software requirements include Microsoft Windows 98.How this Book Is OrganizedThis book is divided into multiple chapters, each corresponding to a basic exam objective. These include such issues as planning, installation and configuration, resource management, monitoring and optimization, and troubleshooting. Each chapter is further divided into subsections that correspond to specific MCSE exam contents, and is concluded with a list of related study questions. Some additional non-MCSE specific material is also provided to enhance readers' knowledge in certain areas.Conventions Used in this BookThis book uses different features to help highlight key information. Chapter SyllabusThe primary focus of this series is to address those topics that are to be tested in each exam. Therefore, each chapter opens with a syllabus that lists the topics to be covered. Each topic directly corresponds to the Level 1 headings in the chapter. So if there are six Level 1 headings in a chapter, there will be six topics listed under the Chapter Syllabus. If a syllabus topic and Level 1 heading are MCSE-specific, they will be accompanied by an MCSE icon. However, there may be instances when the topics are not exam-specific. In these cases, the chapter syllabus highlights and corresponding Level 1 headings appear without the MCSE icon.IconsIcons represent called-out material that is of significance and that you should be alerted to. Chapter Review QuestionsEach chapter ends with a series of review questions. These questions are a combination of multiple choice and true/false, designed to simulate a part of an actual exam and to reinforce what you have just learned. The amount of questions will vary depending on the length subject matter of the individual chapterAll of these questions are taken directly from the material covered in the chapter, and the author's answers can be found in the Appendix.Although this book covers all of the material required by the MCSE exam, the author has reordered some material in order to make it as clear and concise as possible. While it is impossible to avoid some repetition in topics, the author has done his best to present previously described topics in new ways. While this repetition might elicit of feeling of deja vu at times, it is useful in ensuring that important concepts will be remembered.About the CD-ROM/Web SiteThis book is accompanied by a CD-ROM that contains valuable self-paced training material, courtesy of SmartForce. Please follow the installation instructions on the CD-ROM. This book is also accompanied by a Companion Web site on which readers can find additional exam preparation aids and updates to the enclosed material. It is located at www.phptr.com/dell3.

MCSE: Implementing and Supporting Windows 98


Pass Microsoft's Windows 98 MCP Exam 70-098 - with flying colors! Covers the entire Windows 98 lifecycle: planning, rollout, management, and troubleshooting Using Windows 98 desktop management features to reduce ownership costs Detailed hardware coverage: modems, printers, USB, multiple displays, and more Monitoring, performance optimization, and the Windows 98 Maintenance Wizard Exclusive Study Breaks: test your knowledge through practical, performance-based exercises Includes hundreds of review questions plus several complete case study scenarios!

This Microsoft-approved study guide delivers in-depth coverage of every MCSE Windows 98 exam objective! It's more than a book: it's a complete, integrated learning solution, with 4 hours of bonus Windows 98 training on CD-ROM, plus an up-to-the-minute, fully integrated Web site. It'll help you maximize your effectiveness managing Windows 98(starting today, and for long after you've passed your exam!

Microsoft technologies expert Tom Dell covers the entire Windows 98 lifecycle: planning, installation, configuration, hardware, management, maintenance, and more. Coverage includes: developing appropriate implementation models for your specific requirements, integrating Windows 98 desktops with your existing Microsoft or NetWare infrastructure, and reducing desktop management costs with system policies and user profiles. You'll also find start-to-finish coverage of Windows 98 networking, including protocols, Dial-Up Networking, remote configuration, and Personal Web Server.

From security to the Registry, dual-boot environmentsto the FAT32 file system, here's the complete resource you need to ace your exam(and make the most of Windows 98 in any business environment!

Supercharge your training with EXCLUSIVE Web & interactive resources!

We've teamed with SmartForce, the world's #1 developer of IT self-paced training, to include a state-of-the-art interactive training course on CD-ROM. And that's not all: Every Prentice Hall PTR MCSE book is 100% integrated with its own exclusive MCSE training Web site, delivering all this and more... Interactive test Q&A section Projects you can complete-with detailed solutions Virtual Study Lounge: interact with students, authors, and trainers online! Author's Corner: Book and exam updates and training news



A book/CD-ROM study guide covering every objective of the MCSE Windows 98 MCP Exam 70-098. Chapters correspond to basic exam objectives such as planning, installation and configuration, resource management, monitoring and optimization, and troubleshooting. Each chapter is further divided into subsections that correspond specifically to MCSE exam contents. Additional non-MCSE-specific material is also provided in some areas. The CD-ROM contains an interactive training course. Dell is a networking and training consultant. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)


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