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Visual Basic 5 Bootcamp: Everything You Need to Pass Microsoft's Visual Basic 5 Certification  
Author: Dan Mezick
ISBN: 0079136710
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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Book Description
It ain't the Marines! This bootcamp is intensive training for everyone who's serious about learning Microsoft Visual Basic (VB) 5. Based on a sold-out series of seminars, the "drill" includes lessons, exercises, and example projects. This package prepares novices and seasoned programmers to march into the Microsoft VB certification exam and ace it-or simply to home their Visual Basic skills. Because the authors originated the Bootcamps and have trained thousands of programmers at them, they really know how to teach this complex topic. They've included hundreds of sample test questions... noted special "gotchas" to avoid during VB development... and, for users of previous versions, have even flagged all the hot new features and enhanced performance aspects of VB5.

From the Back Cover
Jump on the microsoft VNB career express. McGraw-Hill, the experts in career-boosting guides for Information Technology professionals, now accelerates your mastery of one of the most coveted-and lucrative-professional credentials in the industry: VB5 product specialist certification. Written by Dan Mezick and Scot Hillier, two leading VB5 authors and instructors, both regional Directors of Microsoft Developer Days, Visual Basic 5 Certification Exam Guide delivers the most clear and comprehensive exam preparation available... at much less than you'd pay for a comparable classroom course! Expertly designed for easy comprehension and retention, this full immersion study guide delivers the essentials you need to confidently: master visual basic fundamentals and advanced features; develop with classes and objects; understand and easily manipulate VB data access; construct reusable components and controls; explore Microsoft Transaction Server and 3-tier, object-based techniques. Plus, to ensure your performance on the exam, this book includes a CD-ROM with exercises and source codes, innovative VB tools, and a comparison of VB4 with VB5 in HTML format. ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Dan Mezick is the "Q&A" columnist in VB Programmer's Journal. Scot Hillier is the primary author of Inside VBScript from Microsoft Press. The authors and their firm, New Technology Solutions have trained thousands of VB developers.

Visual Basic 5 Bootcamp: Everything You Need to Pass Microsoft's Visual Basic 5 Certification


Jump on the microsoft VNB career express. McGraw-Hill,the experts in career-boosting guides for Information Technology professionals,now accelerates your mastery of one of the most coveted—and lucrative—professional credentials in the industry: VB5 product specialist certification. Written by Dan Mezick and Scot Hillier,two leading VB5 authors and instructors,both regional Directors of Microsoft Developer Days,Visual Basic 5 Certification Exam Guide delivers the most clear and comprehensive exam preparation available. . . at much less than you'd pay for a comparable classroom course! Expertly designed for easy comprehension and retention,this full immersion study guide delivers the essentials you need to confidently: master visual basic fundamentals and advanced features; develop with classes and objects; understand and easily manipulate VB data access; construct reusable components and controls; explore Microsoft Transaction Server and 3-tier,object-based techniques. Plus,to ensure your performance on the exam,this book includes a CD-ROM with exercises and source codes,innovative VB tools,and a comparison of VB4 with VB5 in HTML format. ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Dan Mezick is the "Q&A" columnist in VB Programmer's Journal. Scot Hillier is the primary author of Inside VBScript from Microsoft Press. The authors and their firm,New Technology Solutions have trained thousands of VB developers


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