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Understanding Space: An Introduction to Astronautics (Space Technology Series0  
Author: Jerry Jon Sellers
ISBN: 0072943645
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Book Description
This is an introductory text in astronautics. It contains historical background and a discussion of space missions, space environment, orbits, atmospheric entry, spacecraft design, spacecraft subsystems, and space operations. It features section reviews summarizing key concepts, terms, and equations, and is extensively illustrated with many photos, figures, and examples Space law, politics,and economics This is a truly user-friendly, full-color text focused on understanding concepts and practical applications but written in a down-to-earth, engaging manner that painlessly helps you understand complex topics. It is laid out with multi-color highlights for key terms and ideas, reinforced with detailed example problems, and supported by detailed section reviews summarizing key concepts, terms, and equations.

From the Publisher
Inside this new second edition, you'll find: Space missions History of space Orbits and interplanetary trajectories Atmospheric re-entry Space system engineering Spacecraft subsystems Space operations and support Economics of space Satellite communications Space law, politics,and economics This is a truly user-friendly, full-color text focused on understanding concepts and practical applications but written in a down-to-earth, engaging manner that painlessly helps you understand complex topics. It is laid out with multi-color highlights for key terms and ideas, reinforced with detailed example problems, and supported by detailed section reviews summarizing key concepts, terms, and equations.

Understanding Space: An Introduction to Astronautics (Space Technology Series0


This is an introductory text in astronautics. It contains historical background and a discussion of space missions, space environment, orbits, atmospheric entry, spacecraft design, spacecraft subsystems, and space operations. It features section reviews summarizing key concepts, terms, and equations, and is extensively illustrated with many photos, figures, and examplesSpace law, politics,and economics This is a truly user-friendly, full-color text focused on understanding concepts and practical applications but written in a down-to-earth, engaging manner that painlessly helps you understand complex topics. It is laid out with multi-color highlights for key terms and ideas, reinforced with detailed example problems, and supported by detailed section reviews summarizing key concepts, terms, and equations.


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