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SAT Vocabulary Express: Word Puzzles Designed to Decode the New SAT  
Author: Jacqueline Byrne
ISBN: 0071443266
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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Book Description

A fun way to build vocabulary and boost SAT scores

Word puzzles are a proven tool for building vocabulary. They nudge the puzzler gently toward shades of meaning, synonym recognition, contextual interpretation, and making educated guesses--all the mental tricks needed to do well on the SAT verbal section. In SAT Vocabulary Express, a top test-prep coach teams up with a leading crossword puzzle author to offer students a fun, effective alternative to standard vocabulary builders.

A unique learning tool for breaking the code in the SAT verbal section, this book features: Dozens of crosswords, anagrams, acrostics, cryptograms, and other fun, skill-building puzzles Brainteasers that stimulate vocabulary mastery Tips and techniques for using the puzzles to pump up vocabularies to unprecedented levels--painlessly!

From the Back Cover

Solve puzzles, play games--and improve your SAT score!

Memorizing words isn't a very effective way to ace your SATs--and let's be honest, it's not a lot of fun! To score well, you have to play with words--take words apart, understand their connotations, and spot the word games the test is playing with you. Now, with SAT Vocabulary Express, you can build these necessary skills, prepare for your exams, and have a great time doing it!

In this uniquely entertaining workbook, a test preparation expert and a crossword puzzle constructor join forces to help you crack the word code on the new SAT, improve your active vocabulary, and increase your score on any college admission test--all by playing games. From crosswords and anagram magic squares to quotation, word connection, and hidden meaning puzzles, you'll tackle unfamiliar words and spot the clues hidden in the most difficult exam questions. You'll also gain the tools you need to: Develop and use a powerful repertoire of words Dissect new words and understand their meanings Solve word problems quickly and easily Master decoding strategies you can apply to any college admission test

Challenge your mind and build your confidence with SAT Vocabulary Express--the perfect way to have a great time while you study for success!

About the Author

Jacqueline Byrne is a founding partner of Ivy Educational Associates, a test prep and college application consulting firm. She provides private tutoring for the verbal SAT, the SAT II Writing exam and the AP and SAT II Literature exams.

Michael Ashley's crossword puzzles have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal He has been a contributor to GAMES Magazine for 25 years.

SAT Vocabulary Express: Word Puzzles Designed to Decode the New SAT


A fun way to build vocabulary and boost SAT scores

Word puzzles are a proven tool for building vocabulary. They nudge the puzzler gently toward shades of meaning, synonym recognition, contextual interpretation, and making educated guesses--all the mental tricks needed to do well on the SAT verbal section. In SAT Vocabulary Express, a top test-prep coach teams up with a leading crossword puzzle author to offer students a fun, effective alternative to standard vocabulary builders.

A unique learning tool for breaking the code in the SAT verbal section, this book features: Dozens of crosswords, anagrams, acrostics, cryptograms, and other fun, skill-building puzzlesBrainteasers that stimulate vocabulary masteryTips and techniques for using the puzzles to pump up vocabularies to unprecedented levels--painlessly!


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